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North America Company & Play Analysis Tool

Pull apart company value data and forecasts to benchmark regions, plays and operators on the metrics that matter.

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Evaluate plays, benchmark performance, and forecast in context

Space is getting crowded in the world of North America unconventional oil and gas development, and you need the tools to help you efficiently identify and evaluate new business opportunities to drive value creation.

The North America Company and Play Analysis Tool (NACPAT) is a data visualisation tool that delivers granular, objective and industry-validated data, allowing for analysis of upstream companies and their assets. The web-based tool consolidates our independent analysts' views of over 100 companies in 36 basins across the US Lower 48 and Canada, and gives you access to type well performance, drilling and capex forecasts, production and cash flow outlooks, and asset valuation and economics for quick and efficient screening and benchmarking.

Features at a glance

Covering capex, opex, drilling forecasts, production, type wells and cash flows, NACPAT helps you understand the activity and performance of public and private companies in every key producing play.

Benchmark the performance and operations of more than 130 companies and evaluate over 250 plays and sub-plays, including the Eagle Ford, Bakken, Wolfcamp and Marcellus.

We talk directly to the operators to collect our data which is screened and validated to provide you with a high-quality, trusted commercial perspective.

  • 250+

    plays and sub-plays

  • 130+

    companies modelled

  • 25+

    expert analysts to provide further support

Designed for you

Learn how the North America Company & Play Analysis tool can help.

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