Understand fundamental drivers, market pricing, risks, and scenarios in the US power market.
With PowerIQ, you can optimise buying and selling strategies, identify new trading opportunities, and analyse congestion risks across multiple hubs and zones. We provide unparalleled visibility into US power markets by combining expertise from our power market analysts and meteorologists with advanced modelling technology and fundamentals-based analytics.
Our 30+ analysts give you the power market information you need when you need it. We offer a customised service that includes pricing and congestion information specific to the hubs, zones or nodes of your interest.
We use neural network models to issue wind and demand forecasts and make accurate predictions based on our industry knowledge. We also highlight exposure to energy price volatility based on supply stack health and risks to wind generation and load forecasts.
Engage in animated, daily discussions with our analysts covering strategies to increase efficiency and minimise risk, or get additional insight on congestion predictions. Available via telephone, email or instant message.
Designed for you
Learn how PowerIQ can help
Features at a glance
With PowerIQ, optimise buying and selling strategies, identify new trading opportunities and analyse congestion risks across multiple hubs and zones. We provide unparalleled visibility into power markets by combining expertise from our power market analysts and meteorologists with advanced modeling technology and fundamentals-based analytics.
Comprehensive forecasts
We assemble forecasts for the seven deregulated wholesale US markets, including PJM, MISO, ERCOT, CAISO, SPP, NYISO, ISO-NE. We cover real-time (RT) and day-ahead (DA) prices, demand, congestion and renewable generation.
A detailed view
ERCOT, PJM, MISO and SPP participants have access to reports and forecasts that support smart decision-making for the prompt month. Whether it’s ERCOT’s congestion revenue rights (CRR) insight report, or PJM’s fundamentals-based focus, both asset owners and congestion traders can act with confidence.
Our analysts are on call to review these monthly outlooks one-on-one and to discuss specific congestion and forecast risks.
Make more informed decisions
The MISO and PJM markets have a balance-of-week and next-week forecasts available for the most liquidly traded hubs. Make more informed decisions related to maintenance and optimisation.
patented energy monitors
2 million+
data points per day
Short-term analytics
capturing activity as it happens