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Black Sea: unlocking its full potential

1 minute read

Following recent discoveries like Domino and Total's ultra-deepwater oil play opener in Bulgaria, the Black Sea basin has emerged as an exploration hotspot. We believe that the basin holds over 1.35 billion boe of P50 YTF reserves, ranking it in the top third of basins globally by YTF volume and 4th across Europe, but where are these reserves located? And do the areas with the greatest reserve volume also have the most potential value?


ExxonMobil and Domino field

Adam Meredith discusses Domino, the Black Sea's first deepwater gas-producing field.

Upstream Analyst Gabriel Mynheer uses our new EV2 product to help answer these questions in his report. Using EV2, Gabriel identifies which of the basin's five key plays are considered to be the most prospective and which have the greatest expected value under the current oil price — and they're not necessarily the same plays.

Realising the basin's full potential will require successfully quantifying reserve volume and value, as well as overcoming a series of hurdles to maximize returns and develop from discoveries that are currently uneconomical. For those willing to overcome these hurdles, how big is the reward?