
Is E&P distress in the Lower 48 spreading to the midstream sector?

1 minute read

The tight oil sector is in distress. 

Very little new drilling makes sense at US$35/bbl (WTI). Capex has been cut by 40-50% for most tight oil companies, and sources of liquidity are deteriorating. As a result, the financial health of upstream players in the Lower 48 is worse now than it was in 2016. During the collapse of oil prices in 2016, companies could lean on the M&A market or non-core asset sales to help, but very little appetite remains for these options today. 

Is E&P distress spreading to the midstream sector?

Listen to a recent webinar where our Lower 48 oil and gas analysts discuss financial health in the tight oil sector and ask which companies are at risk. Get a copy of the slides and charts when you fill in the form on this page. 


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