
Where are oil and gas companies most at risk from carbon policy and regulation?

We assess which companies and assets are most exposed to evolving policies

1 minute read

As part of the Paris Agreement, countries committed to reducing emissions and subsequently may introduce more stringent regulation across the upstream oil and gas industry.

However, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution – the economic and political situation in each country will dictate the stringency of carbon policy and its rate of implementation.

This lack of clarity presents uncertainty for industry players; how can you determine which assets and companies are most exposed to evolving carbon policies?

Our sister company Verisk Maplecroft, has developed a bespoke Upstream Oil and Gas Carbon Policy Risk Index which takes a three-pillar approach to identify the risk of increased regulation in the oil and gas sectors of 81 countries.

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Download a complimentary copy of 'Measuring carbon risk in upstream oil and gas', which looks at where companies are most at risk from climate-related policies and regulation. Simply complete the form and the report will be sent to the email address provided.

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