
Caspian upstream: 5 things to look for in 2024

Predictions for the year ahead

1 minute read

Craig Saunders

Research Analyst, Caspian & Central Asia Upstream

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What's inside this year's report?

Delayed FIDs and start-up dates will be front of mind as the Caspian region enters 2024. Opportunities taken or missed will have long-lasting consequences for production, export dynamics and the regional investment outlook.

Big decisions are needed in 2024 to advance the region's large-scale opportunities. 

Powered by Lens Upstream, in this report we highlight the key themes to watch in 2024, including:

  • Project start-ups: what do delays mean for Kazakh liquids production? 
  • Gas exports: how can Azerbaijan double deliveries to the EU? 
  • Investment: what FIDs need to happen to boost the region's outlook?
  • Regional gas cooperation: what next for security of supply? 
  • Energy transition: who will drive low-carbon initiatives forward? 

Fill in the form at the top of the page to access this complimentary report. 

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