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Notes from URTeC and our views on development cubes and in-basin sand
Crude For Thought show notes
1 minute read
In this week's episode, notes from URTeC and thoughts on development cubes and in-basin sand
This week's episode of Crude For Thought asks if operators will wring profits out of shale. URTeC showed us technology is still important in unconventional reservoirs. We share our notes on the conference as well as our latest on cube developments and in-basin sand. Listen to Robert Clarke, Ryan Duman, and Anuj Goyal share their opinions.
Permian operators cash in ... by thinking inside the box
As the tight oil sector continues to mature, producers are looking for ways to optimise their operations, improving efficiency of both production and costs. It's a battle to win back investor confidence.
New research from Wood Mackenzie underscores the fact tight-oil operators are no longer chasing growth at all costs.
Development strategies have firmly shifted to focus on scale: drilling sections instead of wells, with compressed paybacks, at the lowest possible cost.
Many are favouring a “cube” development strategy, viewing it as the most efficient way to capitalise on cost savings.