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Customer Pricing Model

Stay on top of real-time US wholesale cost changes to ensure accurate customer pricing.

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Granular retail pricing data and extensive market research

To accurately price and hedge your retail power products, having the right guidance and proper tools are necessary. Our Customer Pricing Model helps you to defend your profit margins every step of the way by ensuring you can make informed pricing decisions.

Our expert energy management team will be an extension of your team. We'll guide you to get the latest, most accurate estimates of the cost to serve to different customer classes based on contract term, usage, load shape and location.

Designed for you

Learn how Customer Pricing Model can help

Features at a glance

Margin analysis

Where does your price stack up against the current utility rate? Pick your price and your margin is calculated. Identify your desired margin and the corresponding price is generated.

Accurate deal pricing

Model variations on potential deal structures, navigating quickly from the data to price quotes for multiple types of customers and deal structures.

Risk management

For unhedged positions, integrate the model into your existing systems to understand market movements and the changes in your risk exposure.

Data-only integration

Our model can sit alongside your own pricing tool to validate its accuracy, or simply generate more exact prices by pairing your model with our gold-standard data package.

Extensive coverage

Our model covers the PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE, ERCOT and MISO power market regions as well as all of the US gas markets.

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