The wisdom of the crowd: Where is the LNG industry’s thinking on carbon emissions?
1 minute read
During the process of formally launching our new LNG Carbon Emissions Tool over the last few weeks, we have spent hundreds of hours talking with a broad cross section of players involved in the LNG business about the mechanics and importance of measuring LNG-related emissions.
While these discussions have reinforced our belief that the focus on the emissions associated with producing and moving LNG around the world will only grow, they have also demonstrated a divergence of opinions as to how emissions are and should be measured, how things will evolve, what factors will drive that evolution and how the industry should ultimately manage its carbon emissions.
Having reflected on those discussions, in this article we present a summary of the key messages and takeaways for consideration. While neither we nor the industry claims to have all of the answers or to have figured out definitive solutions to the industry’s challenges in this area, we think it useful to set out the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ as it currently stands, as the basis for continued discussion and debate about this topic as it continues to evolve.
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