
Glauce Santos

Senior Analyst, Latin America Upstream


  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Upstream oil and gas

Get in touch with Glauce

Glauce is a senior analyst within the Latin America Upstream research team, based in Rio de Janeiro. Glauce’s research focuses on valuing individual upstream offshore assets in the Latin America region, especially in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru and on the exploration activities in South America.

Before joining Wood Mackenzie in 2022, Glauce worked for over 20 years as an exploration geologist and exploration team coordinator in companies such as Wintershall Dea, Ecopetrol Brazil and Repsol YPF Brazil. She has experience in Brazil’s onshore/offshore basins and clastic/carbonate environments.


MSc, Petroleum Geology, Royal Holloway London University

MBA, Oil & Gas, FGV