
Global Spandex Market Report 2020

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Why buy this report?

The spandex market is rapidly growing, and is fast becoming a more important feature of the global textiles industry.

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Buy this report to understand:

  • Forecast to 2025 using our detailed proprietary modelling with regional all-fibres consumption, apparel and spandex market penetration rates
  • Details of spandex supply by company, plant, country and regional capacities; including a detailed forecast of new investments
  • Details of regional supply/demand balances and global trends in capacity utilisation. How rapidly will markets recover from the 2020 downturn

This 116 page report looks at why the global spandex industry continues to grow at more than double the rate of all fibres activity. Global capacity recently passed 1 million tons of capacity. Spandex is also widening its geographic customer base, entering new garment applications and engaging across a wider range of fabric types worldwide. All of this promises further exciting growth for this unique and specialist yarn.

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    PDF_Global Spandex Market Report 2020.pdf

    PDF 3.78 MB