
Octane’s summertime surprise?

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Octane’s summertime surprise? WoodMac’s latest outlook on octane and its implications for PX prices Aromatics have great properties as octane boosters, linking the pricing dynamics of paraxylene feedstocks with dynamics within gasoline and other refining markets. This insight assesses the following questions: What caused the historically high paraxylene (PX) prices in 2022? Why were the polyester supply chains in Europe and the Americas particularly impacted compared to Asia? Octane remains strong; what do we expect to happen in 2023? When can a return to historically lower octane values be anticipated?

Table of contents

  • Executive summary

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Woodmac's Latest Outlook On Octane And Its Implications For PX Prices.pdf

    PDF 1.03 MB