
Fire at Core's Leer South coal mine sours Arch-CONSOL merger completion

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On 13 January 2025, around 1 a.m., a fire broke out underground at one of the largest metallurgical coal mines in the US, Leer South, located in West Virginia. Fortunately, there were no injuries or equipment damage, but all mining operations have ceased entirely, including access to the active longwall panel. Production is at risk of being halved to 1.35 Mt (1.75 Mst) as the mine will only produce development tonnes before resuming longwall production in the second half of the year. The incident coincided with the same week Arch Resources and CONSOL Energy completed their merger, forming Core Natural Resources.

Table of contents

    • Summary of Leer South
    • Thin margins will challenge US miners this year
    • Will lost tons from Leer South change the global met coal market?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Core Resource's mines on 2025 global metallurgical coal cost curve

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Fire at Core's Leer South coal mine sours Arch-CONSOL merger completion

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