
Indonesia’s coke-making capacity ready to explode

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SE Asia’s first large-scale merchant coke plant began production in Indonesia’s Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) in May. The start-up marks the beginning of Indonesia’s rise as a major demand centre for imported coking coal. The park will contain the largest coke production complex in SE Asia and could see import demand for coking coal rise by 400%. The opportunities for coal exporters are potentially huge. In this report we assess the scale of the opportunity and discuss what the implications might be for the seaborne trade. Who stands to benefit the most? This leads to additional coking coal demand to the current market, which will tighten the already constrained seaborne coking coal supply. Australia will remain the dominant source, while domestic sourcing will increase gradually.

Table of contents

  • Why is China leading investment in cokemaking in Indonesia?
  • New modern coke plants to replace small-scale coke plants in Indonesia
  • Where does the new coke supply go?
  • What are the implications for domestic and international miners?

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Existing coke plants in Indonesia
  • Hot metal production and coke demand in China, India and SE Asia
  • Map of coke plants, coke exports and coal supply

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Indonesia’s coke-making capacity ready to explode

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