
Interest in Canadian projects continues even in the 'Age of Austerity'

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Interest in both brownfield and greenfield development of Canadian coal projects remains strong despite a pull-back in expansion capital spending across the coal industry.   In this Insight, we examine how nine projects we've classified as "probable" and "highly probable" to move forward stack up in terms of geography, project sponsors, potential returns, margins, capital efficiency and other metrics.  We then assess how these projects will compete against global peers.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 8 images and tables including:

  • Summary of Canadian probable and highly probable projects
  • Financial metrics for Canadian probable and highly probable projects
  • Seaborne export metallurgical coal margin curve, 2026 (nominal dollars)
  • Seaborne export thermal coal margin curve, 2021 (nominal dollars)
  • Thermal and metallurgical price assumptions used in project valuation (US$/tonne, nominal basis)
  • Interest in Canadian projects continues even in the 'Age of Austerity': Table 3
  • Interest in Canadian projects continues even in the 'Age of Austerity': Image 3
  • Marketable production by mine status - Canada