2023 CCUS Cost Update: factors affecting levelised cost (LCOCCUS) to 2030 and beyond
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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Each CCUS project is unique, but rules of thumb can help conceive or identify projects that are actually optimized for cost
- The more functionality, detail, and real-life project data incorporated into the model, the better the estimates
- If estimating CCUS costs of a specific project with a generic model is a mug’s game, what’s the purpose of our model?
- Cost structures across capture, transport, and storage are evolving differently
- With costs in real terms projected to decrease in the coming years and decades, emitters may postpone CCUS project builds by perhaps 5-10 years
Tables and charts
This report includes the following images and tables:
- LCoCCUS sensitivity example
- CO2 shipping cost estimations for a project with 2023 final investment decision
- Comparison of three hypothetical 1.0 Mtpa greenfield capture projects from petrochemical ethane steam crackers
- Example: impact of FID timing on real LCOCCUS (capture)
What's included
This report contains: