
Black gold to green future: is Canada's Pathways Alliance CCUS initiative economically viable?

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Canada's Pathways Alliance CCUS projects, developed by a consortium of Canadian oil sands producers, will together likely constitute the largest operating CCUS project in the world once built. The projects also represent the best chance at simultaneously decarbonizing the Canadian oil sands while maintaining the oil sands' importance to the Canadian economy. See this report for: - Economic analysis of the Pathways projects - Discussion of the Canadian CCUS regulatory and incentive environment and how it compares to the United States' - Wood Mackenzie's take on what's holding the Pathways projects back, and how that can be overcome

Table of contents

    • Background to Pathways Alliance CCUS
    • Pathways pipeline & storage hub costs 3
    • Capture economics for the emitters: why do it?
    • The Pathways rub: A game of ‘chicken’ between government and industry?
    • Endnotes

Tables and charts

This report includes 5 images and tables including:

  • Pathways phase 1 projects overview
  • Suncor Upgrader Hydrogen: CCUS valuation summary (as of January 2024)
  • Cenovus Christina Lake: CCUS valuation summary (as of January 2024)
  • Wood Mackenzie's CoRSI index for large upstream producers
  • Pathways projects: would they be better off in the US? (e.g. Cenovus Christina Lake)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Black Gold To Green Future Assessing The CCUS Economics Of Canada's Pathways Alliance.pdf

    PDF 367.13 KB