Commodity Market Report

Global fuel cells market outlook: Road transport

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In our inaugural report on the global fuel cells market, we explore the role of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) in zero-emissions road transport. With FCEVs forecast to be competitive with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the next decade for specific applications and markets, we expect them to play a crucial role in achieving net zero emissions for the transport sector. The report covers: - Comparison of fuel cell and battery electric vehicle technologies, costs, applications and infrastructure requirements - Policy landscape and market overview for FCEVs, fuel cell supply and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure - Key players in FCEV manufacturing, supply chain and infrastructure development - Total cost of ownership analysis comparing lifetime cost of FCEVs with traditional powertrains and BEVs - Global and regional forecasts for FCEVs and hydrogen demand outlook to 2050

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    Global fuel cells market outlook - Road transport.pdf

    PDF 2.15 MB