Commodity Market Report

Kuwait energy markets long-term outlook 2019

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Kuwait has shown an attempt to displace oil fuels with gas for power generation since 2010. With Jurassic gas production in the pipeline and nearly completed LNG imports terminal, gas penetration in the power sector is expected to continue rising. However, in the region blessed with vast resources of wind and sun, renewable energy-related targets are relatively modest. By 2030, the government has set a 15% target of electricity generated by renewable energy, compared to >30% targets in neighbouring countries. Oil demand in Kuwait is set to decrease in the power sector, but what about transport and industry sectors? Our long-term energy markets report highlights the following key topics: - What does it take for renewable energy to become significant in the power mix? - How much of LNG imports will materialise in the power sector in the long term? - What is the future of oil and oil products in Kuwait?

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    Kuwait energy markets long-term outlook 2019

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    Kuwait Energy Markets Long Term Outlook 2019.pdf

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