
Americas: Oversupplied gas markets and export opportunities

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This presentation was given at Wood Mackenzie’s Japan Gas Forum in Tokyo on Wednesday 26th June. It includes our latest views on supply, demand, export opportunities, and market participants in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Argentina. The presentation can be downloaded on the right-hand side. Each of these markets across the Americas has access to abundant unconventional natural gas, much of which is seeking a home in export markets. In the US and Canada, this story is well established, but the producer dynamics and related export opportunities continue to evolve. The pipeline build associated with Mexico’s Energy Reform is unlocking access to low-cost US gas, but execution of infrastructure buildout has been challenged. And in Argentina, development of the Vaca Muerta is limited by demand, creating a natural incentive to look internationally.

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    Americas Oversupplied Markets (Japan gas forum).pdf

    PDF 1.26 MB