
Global gas and LNG: 6 things to look for in 2022

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As the global gas industry reflects on the implications of COP26 while navigating through record high gas prices, what are the key questions that will shape the debate in 2022? 1) Will gas/LNG prices soften? 2) Will oil-indexed levels in long-term LNG contracts increase? 3) Will the Majors join the LNG FID party? 4) Will the LNG industry shift from carbon-offset cargoes to CO2 reduction? 5) Will higher prices result in gas demand destruction? 6) Will the EU taxonomy include gas-fired plants as “transitional investments”? Read this report to hear our predictions for the key questions that will shape the gas industry in 2022.

Table of contents

  • 1. Will gas/LNG prices soften?
  • 2. Will oil-indexed levels in long-term LNG contracts increase?
  • 3. Will the Majors join the LNG FID party?
  • 4. Will the LNG industry shift from carbon-offset cargoes to CO 2 reduction?
  • 5. Will higher prices result in gas demand destruction?
  • 6. Will the EU taxonomy include gas-fired plants as transitional investments ?

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  • Document

    Global gas and LNG: 6 things to look for in 2022

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