
Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) in North America: breathing new life from the energy transition

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The North American NGV industry has had a turbulent history over the last 20 years. Failure to garner enough interest for widespread adoption in the past has scarred the industry. The debate over whether NGVs will ever have a large enough market to justify significant investment persists. Nevertheless, current favorable market conditions and government incentives finally have the industry in a place to capitalize on recent momentum and aid the energy transition in one of North America’s most challenging to decarbonize sectors. In addition to detailing our North American on-road NGV gas demand outlook to 2050, this report explores four key areas that will support NGV growth in coming years: • Emissions reduction advantages and potential for RNG integration • Expanding policy support • Persistent cost savings over alternative fuels • Continued technological advancement and innovation

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    Natural Gas Vehicles (Ngvs) In North America.pdf

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