
RNG in North America: how big is the market? (Updated with new data)

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Renewable natural gas (RNG) has been gaining momentum in North America, with the number of new projects nearly doubling in the past five years. Carbon neutrality commitments at the federal, state and utility level are increasingly focusing on RNG as an alternative to fossil fuels in different sectors. In this insight, we investigated the current RNG market size by looking into the status of RNG production projects. In addition, we are releasing our RNG project database, which is adopted from the Argonne National Laboratory. Where does RNG stand now, and what are the driving forces and barriers to its development? *The content of this insight and database, last published December 2020, has been updated to reflect the most recent RNG project developments and announcements.

Table of contents

  • What is Renewable Natural Gas
  • North American market overview
  • Market drivers for RNG development
  • Future of RNG

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Total capacity and number of new projects added per year
  • Total capacity and number of projects by feedstock
  • Number of Operational Projects by Region
  • RNG Cost Assessment

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    RNG Database.Xlsb

    XLSX 115.00 KB

  • Document

    RNG in North America: how big is the market? (Updated with new data)

    PDF 954.00 KB