Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: May 2023

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Hydrology conditions continue to have significant impact in the power sector for the countries in the Southern Cone, being an upside or a downside, depending on the country. As to the gas dynamics within countries and among them, changes begin to occur in the short term due to the start of winter, and in the mid term, due to infrastructure development. In this short-term outlook report, we explore the following: • How hydrology will evolve in each country • The Argentina and Chile’s requirements of LNG for the current winter and the piped gas dynamics among these countries • The impacts of the recent decabornisation policies in Chile • The challenges Bolivia will face with a reduced market share in the Brazilian and Argentine gas markets after the progress in infrastructure in these countries

Table of contents

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Southern Cone STO May 2023.pdf

    PDF 1.12 MB

  • Document

    Southern Cone Gas And Power Short Term Outlook May 2023.xlsm

    XLSM 2.15 MB