Commodity Market Report

Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 2 Nov 2023

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ENI optimistic for restart of Egyptian exports and Europe at historic storage highs The TTF November price dipped circa 60₡ below the end of last week's reporting period, settling at a low of $ 15.1. Similarly, NE Asia prices followed TTF slipping 39 ₡ to $16.9. In contrast, Henry Hub gained last week by around 15% following initial signals of the cold weather season beginning. NE Asia prices currently sit well above the competitive range for coal, incentivizing countries such as Japan to switch to baseload coal-fired power generation.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Prices as of 1 Nov 2023

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Gas & LNG Executive Summary 20231102.pdf

    PDF 465.34 KB

  • Document

    Short Term Voyages (Data).xlsx

    XLSX 16.34 MB