Commodity Market Report

Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 25 April 2024

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May TTF prices declined, reaching approximately $9.2/mmbtu. The pricing incentivised flows across basins. European storage levels increased to 62%, holding well above seasonal highs. The market balance tightened compared to the previous week, driven by over 200mcmd—an increase in demand, to align with 2023 levels. There is potential upside for supply as planned maintenance at Norway's Dvalin gas field has now been shortened in duration to 5 to 7 May from the previously scheduled 4 to 8 May.

Table of contents

  • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section
  • EGAS makes progress in securing cargoe for summer while second-tier buyers pick up activity in the Northeast Asian market
    • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • Weekly European gas fundamentals
  • Weekly floating LNG storage and trade routes

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Gas & LNG Executive Summary 20240425.pdf

    PDF 611.40 KB