
LNG 2019: How China’s LNG market will evolve as more infrastructure is built

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Wood Mackenzie's China Gas & LNG Senior Manager, Miaoru Huang delivered this paper at LNG 2019, Shanghai on April 4th. The paper session was entitled 'LNG Infrastructure Projects: Cases and Trends'. Utilising research from our China Gas and Power Service, the paper outlines the infrastructure challenges to China's long-term gas demand growth and how regas, storage and import pipelines are progressing . It also explores the implications on LNG markets in China and globally.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Background
    • Gas storage build will (slightly) moderate LNG demand seasonality
    • LNG trucking and new modes of logistics will enable LNG to reach further inland
    • Expansion of pipeline import corridors will introduce volume competition to LNG
    • As infrastructure develops, LNG’s price competitiveness will become even more important
    • Infrastructure will enable a more resilient and efficient gas market, leading to changes in gas pricing with potential global implications

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • China gas demand growth 2016-2018
  • China gas as supply growth 2016-2018
  • China regas terminal capacity outlook
  • Working gas in underground gas storage facilities
  • LNG storage capacity at terminals
  • Innovation in LNG logistics has helped partially overcome some of the challenges
  • Pipeline import projects
  • Delivered prices of pipeline imports into coastal regions
  • Implications for LNG market in China and globally

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    PDF 609.75 KB

  • Document

    LNG 2019: How China’s LNG market will evolve as more infrastructure is built

    PDF 1.01 MB