Asset Report

South Africa proposed LNG regas projects

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PetroSA's Mossel Bay GTL (gas-to-liquids) plant in Western Cape province is the largest consumer of gas in South Africa. The plant has historically been served by indigenous offshore production from Block 9, but reserves are expected to decline sharply over the next few years. The GTL plant is therefore operating below capacity in order to extend its life. New production is expected from the F-O field in Block 9 in 2014, which will allow Mossel Bay to continue operations, although at ...

Table of contents

  • Location maps
  • Proposed projects - overview
  • Location detail

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Map
  • Location detail: Table 1
  • Location detail: Table 2

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    South Africa proposed LNG regas projects

    PDF 293.82 KB