Commodity Market Report

Global GDP data Q4 2021

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Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (constant 2010 US$) and GDP growth to the year 2050 by country for the world. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly basis. This report contains an excel download of our complete Global GDP dataset. Short-term GDP is forecast using a combination of lead indicators and an assessment of key economic variables over the current business cycle, including monetary and fiscal policy drivers. The long-term growth potential of an economy is underpinned by three structural drivers: (i) demographics; (ii) investment/ growth in capital stock; and (iii) productivity growth. We forecast long-term GDP by assessing these structural supply-side drivers using a set of proprietary GDP models developed by Wood Mackenzie.

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    GDP Forecast Q4 2021.xls

    XLS 1.39 MB