
Cathode and Precursor: Company profile — BASF

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BASF is a major player in the cathode active material industry, with over 200 kt of nameplate capacity as of 2024, distributed across facilities that span Europe, North America and Asia. The company established their battery materials business in 2012, within a segment that has since grown to represent 17% of BASF’s total sales to third parties. In Autumn 2023, BASF spun off its battery materials unit into a standalone division. BASF holds over a dozen contracts with suppliers, partners and customers across the cathode material supply chain, most notably Nano One, SVOLT, SK On and Iveco Group. BASF's cathode active material portfolio offers NCA, NCM, ultra-high Ni, LNO and Ni-rich NMX. The company’s technology roadmap for the future includes low cobalt, cobalt-free and solid-state battery cathodes.

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    Cathode And Precursor Company Profile Basf July 2024.pdf

    PDF 627.45 KB