Commodity Market Report

Global bulk steel alloys strategic planning outlook - Q1 2023

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After a year marred by gloomy macroeconomic sentiment and weak end-use consumption, most western economies are set perform better than initially feared prior to Q4 2022. Along with the "reopening" of China, following a year of disruptive lockdowns, this will provide a boost to bulk alloy consumption over the early-2020s. Beyond this, a decline in China's crude steel output will undermine consumption, though stainless steel will provide some upside for ferrochrome and ferrosilicon. Due to slower long-term demand growth, bulk alloy markets will be adequately supplied by existing capacity and known projects, through much of the outlook.

Table of contents

  • Crude steel and stainless steel: India to provide only limited offset on China decline
  • Demand: Moderate growth to bulk alloys offered by stainless steel and specialty steels
  • Prices: Despite softening costs, some alloy prices remain below costs fundamentals and will rebound
  • Supply: China remains crucial to long-term supply, despite a scale-down in capacity
  • Silicon metal’s role in renewable energy means stronger demand growth than ferrosilicon
    • Chromium ore
    • Chromium ore price forecast
    • Ferrochrome
    • Ferrochrome price forecast
    • Risks to the base case
    • Risks to forecast UG2 supply
    • Developments in China
    • Developments in South Africa
    • Currency movements
    • Stainless steel
    • Manganese ore
    • Manganese ore price forecast
    • Manganese alloy (SiMn and FeMn) market balance
    • Manganese alloy price forecast
    • Manganese metal market balance
    • Manganese metal and medium-carbon ferromanganese (MC FeMn) price outlook
    • High-purity manganese sulphate market balance
    • High-purity manganese sulphate price outlook
    • Key risks to the base case price forecasts
    • Ferrosilicon
    • Ferrosilicon price forecast
    • Silicon metal
    • Silicon metal price forecast
    • Key risks to ferrosilicon and silicon metal base case price forecasts
    • Chinese output to edge up, India will continue to ride the momentum in 2023
    • India and Southeast Asia to be the torchbearers for long-term supply growth; Chinese output falls amid dwindling demand
  • Stainless steel production trends
  • Chromium
    • Manganese in batteries
    • Ferrosilicon
    • Ferrosilicon in steel
    • Ferrosilicon in cast iron
    • Ferrosilicon in magnesium
    • Silicon metal
    • Silicon metal in aluminium
    • Silicon metal in silicones
    • Silicon metal in polysilicon
    • Silicon metal in battery anodes
    • Chromium ore supply
    • Chromium ore cash costs
    • Ferrochrome supply
    • Ferrochrome cash costs
    • Manganese ore supply
    • Manganese ore cash costs
    • Manganese alloy supply
    • Manganese alloy cash costs
    • Manganese metal supply
    • Ferrosilicon supply
    • Ferrosilicon cash costs
    • Silicon metal supply
    • Silicon metal cash costs

Tables and charts

This report includes 59 images and tables including:

  • Forecast crude stainless steel production
  • Chromium consumption outlook to 2050 by first use
  • Consumption of ferrochrome by steel type
  • Chromium ore and ferrochrome demand
  • Outlook for global average manganese intensity of crude steel
  • Manganese alloy and metal consumption outlook
  • Manganese consumption by first use
  • Chromium ore supply-demand balance outlook
  • Future requirement for chromium ore supply
  • South African 42-44% LG-MG ore vs 40-42% UG2 price outlook - real forecast
  • South African 42-44% LG-MG ore vs Turkish 40-42 % ore price outlook - real forecast
  • Ferrochrome supply-demand balance outlook
  • Future requirement for ferrochrome capacity
  • Long-term price forecast for high-carbon ferrochrome
  • Manganese ore supply-demand balance outlook
  • High-grade 44% manganese ore price outlook
  • Silicomanganese supply-demand balance outlook
  • High-carbon ferromanganese supply-demand balance outlook
  • Silicomanganese price outlook
  • High-carbon ferromanganese price outlook
  • Manganese metal supply-demand balance outlook
  • Manganese metal and MC FeMn price outlook
  • High-purity manganese sulphate global supply-demand balance outlook – 90% utilisation assumed for all capacity
  • High-purity manganese sulphate supply-demand balance outlook, China – 90% utilisation assumed for all capacity
  • High-purity manganese sulphate global supply-demand balance outlook, ROW – 90% utilisation assumed for all capacity
  • High-purity manganese sulphate price outlook
  • Ferrosilicon supply-demand balance outlook
  • Ferrosilicon (75%) price price outlook
  • Silicon metal supply-demand balance outlook
  • Silicon metal price outlook
  • Forecast crude steel production
  • Manganese consumption in Li-ion batteries, by form
  • Ferrosilicon consumption by application
  • Ferrosilicon consumption by steel type
  • Silicon metal consumption by application
  • Chromium ore production by major producing companies*, 2023, with additional output by 2030
  • Chromium ore supply outlook by region
  • Global chromite capacity total cash cost curve by region, 2023
  • Major chromite ore producer total cash costs, 2023
  • Major chromium ore producer ex-works costs, 2023
  • Top-10 high-carbon ferrochrome and charge chrome production capacity by company
  • High-carbon ferrochrome supply outlook
  • Global high-carbon ferrochrome and charge chrome cash cost curve, 2023 (US¢/lb Cr, CIF China basis)
  • High-carbon ferrochrome and charge chrome cash costs by region and component, 2023
  • Manganese ore production, 2000 to 2022: Mt gross weight versus Mt contained Mn
  • Manganese ore supply outlook, by region
  • Cash cost curve for manganese ore (basis 44% Mn), 2023
  • Silicomanganese supply outlook
  • High-carbon ferromanganese supply outlook
  • Global FOB cash cost curve for silicomanganese, including silicomanganese used in the production of medium- and low-carbon ferromanganese, 2023
  • Global FOB cash cost curve for high-carbon ferromanganese, including high-carbon ferromanganese used in the production of medium- and low-carbon ferromanganese, 2023
  • Ferrosilicon supply outlook
  • Global total ex-plant cash cost curve for ferrosilicon, by cost component, 2023
  • Global total ex-plant cash cost curve for ferrosilicon, by region, 2023
  • Silicon metal supply outlook
  • Global total ex-plant cash cost curve for silicon metal, by cost component, 2023
  • Global total ex-plant cash cost curve for silicon metal, by region, 2023

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global bulk steel alloys strategic planning outlook - Q1 2023

    PDF 1.53 MB