Commodity Market Report

Global copper strategic planning outlook - Q1 2024

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Copper’s demand prospects over the long term remain bright and will intensify on the back of decarbonisation as well as the forces of industrialisation, urbanisation and population growth. To meet the future demand requirements, the next generation of copper mines needs to be incentivised now if the market is to deliver sufficient supply to close the theoretical supply gap that is set to emerge over the next decade. Given the long lead times required to bring on mines, some of this supply may be met by the higher use of scrap.

Table of contents

  • Long-term outlook
  • Medium-term outlook
  • Main risks around our base case copper market outlook
  • Scenario analysis
  • Overview
  • Changes since the last quarter
  • China
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Asia ex-China
  • Rest of world
    • China scrap policy
    • Global scrap outlook
    • Mine projects
    • Base Case
    • Probable
    • Possible
    • Mine Disruption Allowance
    • Strategic planning outlook - Long-term supply considerations
    • Geopolitical and legislative challenges
    • Environmental considerations
    • Social governance policy
    • Regional mining landscape
    • Long-term sources of supply
    • Reserves and resources
    • Mining and processing technology
    • Secondary sources of supply
    • Summary
    • Africa
    • Asia (excluding China)
    • China
    • Europe
    • Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Middle East
    • North America
    • Oceania
    • Russia and the Caspian
    • Summary
    • Africa
    • Asia (excluding China)
    • China
    • Europe
    • Latin America & Caribbean
    • Middle East
    • North America
    • Oceania
    • Russia and the Caspian
    • Summary
    • Africa
    • Asia (excluding China)
    • China
    • Europe
    • Latin America & Caribbean
    • Middle East
    • North America
    • Oceania
    • Russia and the Caspian

Tables and charts

This report includes 50 images and tables including:

  • Project sanctioning
  • Global copper supply and primary demand
  • Stock days of consumption and price
  • Global metal balances & LME copper price (2024$)
  • Global supply/demand balance global summary (kt)
  • Price scenarios US$/t (real 2024$)
  • Price scenarios
  • Regional refined copper consumption 2000-2050
  • Total copper consumption by property 2000-2050
  • Total copper semis production 2000-2050
  • End-use copper demand from vehicles
  • Total copper consumption by industry sector 2000-2050
  • Changes in refined copper consumption by region
  • Regional refined copper consumption - kt
  • Chinese demand outlook by sector (kt)
  • China copper consumption breakdown
  • US value of construction put in place
  • Mexican share of regional refined consumption to rise
  • Refined copper consumption forecast regional breakdown 2020-50
  • Indexed Copper Consumption Growth - 2010-2050
  • New standards for renewable copper material
  • New standards for renewable brass material
  • Global copper scrap use as a percentage share of total demand, 2000-2050
  • Chart: Mine disruptions summary
  • Disruptions summary (copper in concentrate and SxEw cathode)
  • Chart: Distribution of currently identified reserves and resources
  • Mined and scrap copper share of total consumption
  • Regional copper mine production - kt Cu
  • Chart: Africa copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Asia (excl. China) copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Europe copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Latin America and the Caribbean copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Middle East copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: North America copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Oceania copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Russia and the Caspian copper mine production - Mt Cu
  • Copper smelter production capability (kt Cu)
  • Chart: Africa copper smelter production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Asia (excl. China) copper smelter production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Europe copper smelter production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Latin America and the Caribbean copper smelter production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: North America copper smelter production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Russia and the Caspian copper smelter production capability - Mt Cu
  • Regional copper refinery production capability - kt Cu
  • Chart: Africa copper refinery production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Asia (excl. China) copper refinery production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Europe copper refinery production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Latin America and the Caribbean copper refinery production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: North America copper refinery production capability - Mt Cu
  • Chart: Russia and the Caspian copper refinery production capability - Mt Cu

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global copper strategic planning outlook - Q1 2024

    PDF 1.68 MB