Commodity Market Report

Global graphite investment horizon outlook Q3 2024

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Challenging conditions across the Chinese lithium-ion battery value chain have pressured graphite markets consistently throughout 2024 to date. China's rapid expansion in many of the graphite products has put markets in a surplus for at least the medium-term future. However, prices will need to rebound, with many below the cost of production. Despite the negative outlook in China, there is positivity for the rest of the world. The US' Inflation Reduction Act will require separation from China's graphite supply by 2027, and more capacity will be required across the value chain in order to meet demand for growing gigafactory production and EV demand. Europe's targets for improved self-sufficiency will require more investment, but with no penalty for failure and little in the way of finance there is little to encourage new supply.

Table of contents

  • Flake graphite
  • Anode materials
  • Needle coke
  • Graphite electrodes

Tables and charts

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  • Document

    Global Graphite Investment Horizon Outlook Q3 2024.pdf

    PDF 3.35 MB