Commodity Market Report

Global nickel short-term outlook June 2020

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Nickel prices remain buoyant as the world continues to ease its way out of lockdown. The combination of lost demand due to the pandemic and continuing rapid ramp up of new NPI capacity in Indonesia is pushing the nickel market further into oversupply. Production cuts are unlikely at current nickel prices but this could change if the coming recession is longer than forecast, as might be caused by a “second wave” of coronavirus.

Table of contents

    • China
    • South Korea
    • Taiwan
  • Europe

Tables and charts

This report includes 10 images and tables including:

  • Quarterly global stainless steel production (kt raw steel basis)
  • Global refined nickel consumption (kt)
  • Global stainless steel production (kt raw steel basis)
  • Weda Bay development satellite image (June 19, 2020)
  • Global nickel mine production/capability (kt)
  • Global nickel smelter production/capability (kt)
  • Global finished nickel production/capability (kt)
  • Nickel stocks and premiums
  • Global refined nickel supply-demand balance (kt)
  • Changes in quarterly stainless steel production in China

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


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