Commodity Market Report

Global zinc long-term outlook Q1 2020

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The zinc price has fallen sharply as measures to control the spread of the coronavirus trigger a rapid decline in zinc consumption and increased likelihood of a global recession. This has necessitated a dramatic change to our base case assumptions for zinc demand. The Global Zinc Metal Market Long-term Outlook provides the latest update of detailed supply and demand analysis and price forecasts for the zinc market out to 2040, including; • Revisions to our global zinc consumption forecasts • Impact of coronavirus on demand and the likely trajectory of the recovery • New price forecasts and price scenarios • The coronavirus/low price/high TC supply correction • Mine supply developments over the forecast period • The first "In focus" looks at how the impact of this global pandemic will accelerate the migration of manufacturing away from China

Table of contents

  • Demand outlook
    • Mine production
    • Refined supply
    • Near term price forecast
    • Long-term zinc price thresholds
    • Demand
    • Smelter Supply
    • Beyond coronavirus: Supply Chain diversification in the long run
    • Risks to forecast: n ear- to medium-term
    • Risk to forecast: long-term
    • Project allowance
    • Africa
    • Asia (ex-China)
    • China
    • Europe
    • Latin America
    • Middle East
    • North America
    • Oceania
    • Russia and the Caspian
    • Africa
    • Asia (ex-China)
    • China
    • Europe
    • Middle East
    • Latin America
    • North America
    • Oceania

Tables and charts

This report includes 25 images and tables including:

  • Coronavirus is forecast to result in a sharp drop in global zinc consumption
  • Global slab zinc consumption by region
  • Global economic growth is becoming less zinc intensive
  • Summary of zinc mine production capability changes
  • World mine capability forecasts by region and global market adjustment
  • Mine production
  • Requirement for new mine production
  • Smelter production
  • Requirement and sources of future smelter production
  • Components of the Mine Disruption and Project allowances
  • Forecast stocks and prices
  • Price forecasts and refined market balances
  • Concentrate market balances
  • LME cash zinc prices and base case forecast 1950- 2040
  • Zinc price forecasts (real $/t)
  • Cumulative impact of changes to forecast for the period 2019-2023
  • Consumption forecast has been cut by 1.18Mt compared with Q4 2019
  • 2020 mine production capability forecast has been cut by 0.5Mt Zn compared with Q4 2019
  • Cumulative impact of changes to the mine production capability forecast for the period 2019-2023
  • 2020 smelter capability forecast has been cut by 0.01Mt Zn compared with Q4 2019
  • Cumulative impact of changes to the smelter production capability forecast for the period 2019-2023
  • Chinese per capita consumption will not track Japan and South Korea
  • Summary of zinc smelter production capability changes
  • Smelter capacity utilisation
  • World smelter capability forecasts by region and global market adjustment

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    PDF 2.41 MB

  • Document

    Market balance and prices zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 565.00 KB

  • Document

    Demand main changes zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 252.50 KB

  • Document

    Demand analysis zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 1.41 MB

  • Document

    Production rankings zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 158.50 KB

  • Document

    Equity Production zinc LTO Q1 2020.xlsx

    XLSX 2.76 MB

  • Document

    Supply main changes zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 194.50 KB

  • Document

    Mine analysis zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 2.60 MB

  • Document

    Smelter analysis zinc LTO Q1 2020.xls

    XLS 3.31 MB

  • Document


    PDF 469.54 KB

  • Document


    PDF 545.43 KB

  • Document

    Appendix_The_evolution_ of_zinc_smelter_utilisation_rates.pdf

    PDF 313.65 KB

  • Document

    Appendix_The evolution of the zinc market price dynamic.pdf

    PDF 396.51 KB

  • Document

    Appendix_zinc_first_and_ end_uses.pdf

    PDF 389.32 KB

  • Document

    Global zinc long-term outlook Q1 2020

    PDF 1.24 MB