
Metals deal activity Q4 2018 - at a turning point

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Metals sector deal activity has picked up in recent months, with a number of large deals announced. We've identified over US$30 billion of pending or probable deals, of which US$1.7 to US$10 billion could be completed this quarter. The balance should position 2019 for a strong start. Deal activity, based on completed deals to 30 September, appears to have found a floor. Aggregate deal value and average size are at their lowest levels since the early 1990s, while deal count is at a level last seen in the early 2000s. In this Insight, we discuss: • The outlook for metals sector M&A, including key themes driving corporate activity. • Companies and assets potentially on the radar, despite acquirers still finding growth opportunities relatively scarce. • Trends in recent deal activity and key transactions across the metals sector.

Table of contents

    • Deal activity – trends and observations
    • Recent activity
    • Key observations
    • Outlook: willing buyers but scarce opportunities
    • On the radar
    • Copper
    • Aluminium
    • Nickel
    • Zinc
    • Gold
    • Transaction drivers
    • Appendix 1: Deal activity by metal
    • Copper
    • Aluminium
    • Lead and zinc
    • Gold
    • Nickel
    • Lithium

Tables and charts

This report includes 24 images and tables including:

  • Total metals deal value vs metal prices
  • Total number of deals vs metal prices
  • Metal prices vs oil price
  • Metal prices vs US dollar trade-weighted index
  • WoodMac metal price forecasts vs spot
  • Total number of metals deals
  • Total metals deal value
  • Average deal size ($ million)
  • Average deal size by metal
  • Metals sector deal count – size greater than US$1 million
  • Metals sector deal count by size
  • Metals sector pending and probable deals (ranked by deal value)
  • Copper – deal value
  • Copper – number of deals
  • Aluminium – deal value
  • Aluminium – number of deals
  • Lead and zinc – deal value
  • Lead and zinc – number of deals
  • Gold – deal value
  • Gold – number of deals
  • Nickel – deal value
  • Nickel – number of deals
  • Lithium – deal value
  • Lithium – number of deals

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Metals deal activity Q4 2018 - at a turning point

    PDF 1.03 MB