
The impact on nickel demand of raising the stainless steel scrap ratio in China

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Chinese usage rates of scrap in its stainless steel making have traditionally been low because the stainless industry has never been mature enough to produce the quantities required. After 20 years of evolution, domestic scrap is now becoming more plentiful and Chinese scrap ratios are expected to rise in the future. Greater use of scrap will mean lower dependence on primary nickel but what difference might this make to global nickel demand?

Table of contents

  • Global use of stainless steel scrap
  • Evolution of stainless scrap use in China
  • And what about the future?

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Trends in stainless steel scrap ratio by country/region
  • Increasing scrap ratio and falling nickel use scenario for Chinese stainless
  • Higher scrap use means lower nickel demand and a lower incentive price

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    The impact on nickel demand of raising the stainless steel scrap ratio in China

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