
Towards green steel: will the US steel industry rise to the challenge?

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The US steel industry has experienced a strong comeback from the pandemic with record highs in steel prices and demand. This steel boom comes in the wake of global initiatives towards greener steel, in which a combination of hydrogen and scrap-based electric arc furnace production will see tremendous growth. The US steel industry will not need the same magnitude of transition to achieve net zero emissions as it is already dominated by scrap-based EAF steelmaking. Does this mean the US will be the global leader in green steel? The US steel industry’s head start will not guarantee its advantage in the race to green steel against other countries. we believe the US steel industry will face more challenges in terms of costs from foreign competitors in the global race towards greener steel. US steelmakers need to become more innovative, focusing on reducing operating costs and producing value-added products.

Table of contents

  • Green initiatives in the US steel industry
  • Cost competitiveness of the US steel industry
  • Our outlook

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • EAF steel in total crude steel production by country
  • 2020 total emissions intensity of crude steel production by country
  • Announcements made by selected US steel producers and their plans to achieve emission targets
  • Projected energy generation by supply type in the US

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Towards green steel: will the US steel industry rise to the challenge?

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