Asset Report

Australia North Carnarvon exploration basin

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The vast majority of exploration drilling has been in the shelf, where most discoveries have been made. The past decade has seen explorers shift towards deepwater drilling, resulting in large gas and/or condensate discoveries. Developing these discoveries is challenging, and much of the gas is uncommercial and remains stranded. Continued high oil prices could make deepwater exploration more attractive.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 29 images and tables including:

  • Exploration history map
  • Top 10 discoveries (2013-2022)
  • Current acreage holders
  • Exmouth Sub-basin
  • Mesozoic Northwest Shelf
  • Mesozoic Deepwater
  • Summary of discovery and development costs
  • Unit value of potential discoveries
  • Breakeven price of exploration
  • Expected monetary value (EMV) at Base price
  • Unit value of potential discoveries
  • Breakeven price of exploration
  • Expected monetary value (EMV) at Base price
  • Unit value of potential discoveries
  • Breakeven price of exploration
  • Expected monetary value (EMV) at Base price
  • Typical fiscal terms
  • Brent and local oil price assumptions
  • Henry Hub and local gas price assumptions
  • Brent and local oil price assumptions
  • Exploration wells by play
  • Key play characteristics
  • Creaming curve
  • Prospective resource summary
  • Creaming curve
  • Prospective resource summary
  • Creaming curve
  • YTF Summary
  • Full-cycle economic analysis

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Australia North Carnarvon exploration basin

    PDF 2.11 MB