Asset Report

UK Faroe - Shetland Escarpment exploration basin

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The Faroe-Shetland Escarpment Basin poses a challenging operating environment, with its remote location, tough winter climate and lack of export infrastructure. In addition, a thick basalt layer which covers much of the Faroese part of the basin is thought to extend into the more northerly reaches of the UK sector, making imaging and drilling difficult. We have forecast very low levels of future exploration drilling. Exploration may pick up again once infrastructure has come online at Cambo and Rosebank, providing an export route for smaller discoveries. This would allow explorers the opportunity to target lower-risk near-field drilling in an otherwise, harsh, deep water environment.

Table of contents

  • Key issues include:

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Exploration history map
  • Exploration wells by play

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    UK Faroe - Shetland Escarpment exploration basin

    PDF 1.39 MB