
Keystone XL: Two Steps Forward?

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Fewer hurdles remain for the  Keystone XL pipeline. On Jan. 9th, the Nebraska Supreme Court cleared the way for the pipeline to cross through the state. On Jan. 12th, the US Senate took on a bill to approve the pipeline, opening the way for a vote in the coming weeks. Some question whether there still is need for the pipeline. The need for Canadian producers to access the USGC market and for USGC refiners to access heavy Canadian crude exists in both $100/bbl and $40/bbl oil price environments.

Table of contents

  • Background
  • Canadian production
  • US Gulf Coast demand
  • Routes to US Gulf Coast
  • Timing of a decision still questionable

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Heavy Canadian crude routes to market

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Keystone XL: Two Steps Forward?

    PDF 556.55 KB