Commodity Market Report

Macro oils short-term outlook: January 2024

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As the new year gets underway, Brent is trading in the mid to high $70s. Prices are under pressure as the fundamentals weakened in Q4 2023 and are expected to do so this quarter as well. That shifts after Q1 2024 when we project a tightening in the supply and demand balance for the remainder of this year. Highlights of our monthly update include: • China continues to lead global demand as growth shifts towards petrochemicals • Angola leaves, but rest of OPEC+ group confirm commitment to managing market stability • Protestors shut-in production at Libya’s largest oil field, El Sharara • Geopolitical risk map The early January Monthly Update features an Executive Summary report, related data download and key price slides. The full slide pack will resume with the next monthly report.

Table of contents

  • Global supply: continued strength of non-OPEC supply adds pressure on OPEC to extend voluntary cuts
  • Non-OPEC: upward revisions dominate changes, with first exports from Niger expected in the near-term
  • US Lower 48 production growth to slow to 170,000 b/d in 2024
  • OPEC: Angola leaves OPEC; rest of group confirms commitment to managing market stability
    • Liquids demand by key markets
  • Global outlook for 2025
  • Risks to the outlook

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Macro Oils Short Term Outlook January 2024 Data Download.xlsx

    XLSX 3.15 MB

  • Document

    Macro Oils Short Term Outlook January 2024 Slidepack.pdf

    PDF 635.40 KB

  • Document

    Macro oils short-term outlook: January 2024

    PDF 947.25 KB