Commodity Market Report

North America Crude Market Strategic Planning Outlook 2024

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

In our updated strategic planning outlook to 2050, we balance moderate upward revisions to both US supply and domestic crude runs. We continue to view one final wave of midstream investments as necessary to accommodate growth in key North American production regions and US Gulf Coast export volumes. We expect multiple pipeline and waterborne loading investments to enter service through the middle of the decade, alleviating egress constraints (at least temporarily) in the Permian, Gulf Coast, and Western Canada.

Table of contents

  • The Strategic Planning Outlook presents our updated forecasts to the Investment Horizon Outlook of October 2023.
  • Prices
  • US Balance
  • US Lower 48 Production
  • Midstream Outlook

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    North America Crude Strategic Planning Outlook Slidepack March 2024.pdf

    PDF 3.52 MB

  • Document

    North America Crude Market Exports And Coastal Infrastructure SPO March 2024.xlsx

    XLSX 214.41 KB

  • Document

    North America Crude Market Price Forecasts SPO March 2024.xlsx

    XLSX 72.43 KB

  • Document

    North America Crude Market Supply And Inland Infrastructure SPO March 2024.xlsx

    XLSX 2.58 MB

  • Document

    North America Crude Midstream Forecast Tool SPO March 2024.xlsm

    XLSM 23.34 MB