Commodity Market Report

North America Crude Markets long-term outlook H2 2018

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The crude infrastructure development story in North American continues to roll forward with the midcontinent story likely entering the late innings, and the coastal development story just getting warmed up. In this long-term update we explore recent infrastructure developments and their lasting long term market impacts on North American crude flows and pricing. Based on updated production views we highlight where new infrastructure development and FIDs are needed and where potential overbuilds loom. We explore in detail the final frontier for US crude infrastructure: export terminals. We highlight potential market shaping project developments (offshore terminals?), project economics and market impact scenarios.

Table of contents

    • US Lower 48 crude: on pace to peak sooner
    • The roaring 20s for the Permian while growth in mature plays starts to peter out
    • Midcontinent infrastructure development enters late innings
    • Export infrastructure story is just getting warmed up – is offshore the wave of the future?

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    North America Crude Markets US L48 supply slidepack.pdf

    PDF 870.45 KB

  • Document

    North America Crude Market midcontinent slidepack.pdf

    PDF 2.12 MB

  • Document

    North America Crude Markets USGC and crude export slidepack.pdf

    PDF 1.86 MB

  • Document

    North America Crude Markets pricing.xlsb

    XLSB 3.03 MB

  • Document

    North America Crude Markets exports and coastal infrastructure.xlsx

    XLSX 1.14 MB

  • Document

    North America Crude Markets supply and inland infrastructure data.xlsx

    XLSX 1.38 MB