
2020 EMEA Energy Summit: Europe power and renewables

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Wood Mackenzie’s Power & Renewables team hosted its virtual Europe Power and Renewables summit on 8 October as part of Wood Mackenzie's flagship EMEA Energy Summit, which ran over three days. The content centered around the EU Green Deal and Europe's net zero ambitions. We presented a series of papers investigating how Europe's power sector lays the foundations for net zero over the next decade. We covered the impact of lockdown on Europe's power sector and lessons for the future, policy issues and enablers associated with the decarbonisation of power, and the commercial landscape for renewables in Europe. We then looked longer-term at how Europe delivers on its net zero ambitions, covering the growing flexibility requirements of Europe's power systems, hydrogen's role in the Energy Transition, and the growth in metals demand associated with delivering the Energy Transition.

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    EMEA Energy Summit 2020 P&R From Recovery Through to Transition_PR.pdf

    PDF 5.50 MB