
Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 22 May

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In this week's coronavirus impact briefing we look at how ruinous Q2 economic performance could be for the major Western markets, based on the severity of lockdown measures. We then focus on India: will the toughest lockdown measures in the world be met with a strong stimulus response, or is the “economic vaccine” small in its dosage? Turning to oil markets, our focus is on the pace of recovery for different products with gasoline front-running jet and diesel. Finally, we return to the financial health of the tight oil companies, analyzing how highly indebted some corporates are after May borrowing base actions.

Table of contents

    • What’s inside?
    • Section 1: The coronavirus pandemic and macroeconomic environment
    • Charts and tables:
    • Section 2: How are energy and natural resources sectors affected?
    • Charts and tables:
    • Section 3: How Wood Mackenzie can help your business

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Coronavirus impact briefing 22 May 2020.pdf

    PDF 1.41 MB