Market Report

Corporate activity in the EV infrastructure market: VC investment and M&A activity from 2010 to H1 2019

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Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is on the rise. Global passenger EV stock reached 5.1 million in 2018 and Wood Mackenzie predicts that this number will grow to 33 million by 2025. Growth in charging infrastructure will need to match increasing EV adoption, in both the established light-duty charger market and emerging EV vehicle classes. This report covers venture capital investments and M&A activity in the EV infrastructure market from 2010 to H1 2019, highlighting submarket and venture, utility, oil & gas and vendor investor trends in the US and Europe. Our Power & Renewables reports and data provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.

Disclosed EV infrastructure investments

Source: Wood Mackenzie

What's included

  • Corporate activity in the EV infrastructure market: VC investment and M&A activity from 2010 to H1 2019 report (PDF)
  • Electric vehicle infrastructure corporate activity, 2010 to H1 2019 data-set and graphs (.xlsx)

Table of contents

  • Passenger EV stock by geography and type
  • Light-duty vehicle charger stock
  • Disclosed grid edge investments and deal count
  • Disclosed grid edge M&A deal count
  • Disclosed EV infrastructure M&A activity
  • Disclosed EV infrastructure VC investments
  • Disclosed VC investments in network operators, 2010 - 2019 H1
  • EV infrastructure VC investments by investor type, 2010 - 2019 H1
  • US and EU EV infrastructure grants, 2010 - 2019 H1
  • Disclosed EV infrastructure M&A deals by type of investor