
Electric heavy-duty trucks and charging infrastructure: A grid edge case study

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This case study details the Volvo Low Impact Green Heavy Transport Solutions (LIGHTS) project, a three-year demonstration that aims to commercialize heavy-duty e-truck technology, develop a suite of electric fleet management solutions, and develop human capital and improve community engagement. Vehicle and charging profile data from the project’s 23 regional haul e-trucks will help improve utility planning, EV programs and advance electrification of other heavy-duty trucking applications. The case study highlights electric fleet energy and cost management tactics, utility strategies that encourage heavy-duty electrification while minimizing impacts to the grid, and how to use long-term incentives and market mechanisms to improve e-truck economics.

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Heavy-duty e-trucks and charging infrastructure - LIGHTS case study_PR.pdf

    PDF 2.86 MB

  • Document

    Heavy-duty e-trucks and charging infrastructure - LIGHTS case study_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 79.79 KB