
European onshore wind lifetime extension (LTE) outlook

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

About the report

This insight provides an assessment into post-end of design life operations for the European onshore wind market. Specifically, this research analyses lifetime extensions for operating turbines and sizes the addressable market of technologies suitable for lifetime extension upgrades. Our Power & Renewables reports and data provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.


Key figures include:

  • Cumulative capacity of onshore wind turbines reaching end-of-design-life to 2028 in Europe
  • Cumulative % share of turbines reaching end-ofdesign-life by 2028 by LTE suitability
  • Cumulative capacity of LTE suitable turbines reaching end-of-design-life by OEM, 2019-2028E
  • Cumulative % share of LTE suitable turbines reaching end-of-design-life by 2028 by OEM
  • Cumulative capacity of LTE suitable technology reaching end-of-design-life by region, 2019-2028E
  • Cumulative % share of LTE suitable turbines reaching end-of-design-life by 2028 by region
  • Cumulative capacity of LTE suitable technology reaching end-of-design-life project size, 2019-2028E
  • Cumulative % share of LTE suitable turbines reaching end-of-design-life by 2028 by project size
  • LTE by project size and owner type
  • Estimate of European onshore wind turbines operated beyond original design-life

This report is also available as part of Wood Mackenzie's Global Wind Markets Service and the Wind Technology Systems & Operations Service.

Table of contents

  • No table of contents specified

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    European onshore wind lifetime extension (LTE) outlook_PR.pdf

    PDF 1.70 MB