Market Report

EV Charging Infrastructure Development: Global Market Sizing and Forecasts

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A confluence of factors, including falling battery storage prices, the expansion of ride-sharing, the proliferation of low-cost sensors, and the embrace of artificial intelligence, is driving the growth in the electric vehicle (EV) market and leading experts to ponder numerous paradigm shifts in how society transports people and goods. Switching from gasoline to electricity will significantly impact commodity and electricity markets. Electricity will redefine how we use our vehicles, as energy networks transport “fuel” instantaneously to any point on the existing network, improve safety, and reduce the environmental impacts of transportation.

Wood Mackenzie predicts that this transformation in the transportation sector will accelerate in the coming years as nearly 250 million EVs hit the roads globally by 2040, representing ~14% of the total vehicle stock at that date. This cleaner system needs charging points to be spread throughout the built environment, closer to trip destinations, including homes, businesses and commercial routes.

This report estimates the residential and public infrastructure needed to support the growing EV market. Charging equipment, installation and other services, energy needs and costs, as well as public charging and grid services revenue is estimated through 2030, focusing on North America and Europe, with estimates provided for China, Japan and South Korea. 

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